Saturday, January 24, 2015

Honduras Mission Trip - Year 11

Our 11th year of mission trips to Honduras begins on Monday morning, Jan 26, 2015.  Our project this year will be to build the missionary house at the new Monte Horeb site outside of Choluteca, Honduras.  Our team this year includes Bob Kimball, John Baldwin, Joel Brown, Steve Brown, Tom Childrey, Dennis Ellis, Kristen Ellis, Bud Hipp, Keith Lewis, Ron McCollum, Dudley Neal, Steve Paschall, Mike Satterfield, and Tommy Stone.  

From our leader, Steve Brown, "Please spend some special time in prayer this week for our team and trip:  pray for health and safety, our Honduran support team, Mike and Ginger, success for our project, the presence and power of the Holy Spirit with us throughout our trip (a must for any true success), and our families at home."

Buenos dias Honduras!


  1. This is way too early on a Monday morning, guys! Praying for all of you.

  2. 11 YEARS?!? INCREDIBLE!! God's speed, Hermanos y Hermana!
